
Should you have any queries about me, my trip and aspirations, or simply want to offer your support, then you can leave a comment in the form below or email me at:

13 responses to “Contact

  1. Met you on a dark road (I-40) coming into Williams, AZ. It was great talking with you for a few minutes and was happy to pick you up in my little red truck and drop you at a campground in Williams. Hope you made it through the night ok… found out after leaving you that it was supposed to snow 6 inches that night. Hope the forecast doesn’t come true! Good luck on your onward journey. Have really enjoyed reading your blogs – great writing and wonderful pics.

  2. hi nathan.glad to here ya made it .yea you here a lot of BS about how bad mexico you can see the people are great.last time i was down there i felt safer there than i did here.and the mexican food was much better.isnt amazing how much it changes as soon as you cross the border,ride and smile SALSA style,i just wish i was down there with ya on my fargo enjoying the ride with ya.enjoy mexico its just gonna get better,course you already new that.sea ya steve theres one thing i couldnt find down there a pint of IPA. but that catus juice is pertty good,have a good day

  3. Hi Nathan, how are you? I am the gay who speak with you today at 11:00 am near of El Gogorron SLP, remember me? I hope your are ok when you read this.
    Really I want to share with you my impression about your adventure, it is hugh man!!
    I will follow you thru your web and please if you need something please let me know.
    Always a biker can do it something for another biker.

    Gamaliel R

  4. Loving what you and Shermy are doing, and the reasons you give for your pretty insane adventure across the Americas. Hope you make it all the way to TDF and get other people on their bikes as a result. Keep on ridin’ 🙂

  5. Hi Nathan, I’m glad you arrived to Quito on secondary roads… It’s good to recommend cyclist to take to route passing by Cuicocha lake to avoid the lorries going to Selva Alegre’s mines… I’m interested to know which way you took after Quito? I hope you completely recovered and enjoyed the rest of Ecuador with your sister! Kind regards, Pablo Montalvo

    • Hi Pablo, good to hear from you.
      You can see from recent posts that I went north out of Quito up to the Equator before dropping down to Tumbaco and then riding a really exciting route around the east side of Cotopaxi. I’m loving your country… it’s got everything!

  6. Hi Nathan. Wonderful site – very informative and well written. I’ve spent quite a lot of time on here and feel like I’ve done half the trip (!). I’ve a question about your bike: all things considered are you glad it’s is fitted with the S and S couplers? Have they been beneficial to you in many ways? I’m curious – so, if you have a few moments to reply it would be appreciated.

    Happy cycling in the USA.


    • HI Dave,
      Thanks for your kind words. I’ll be honest with you; I never wanted S&S couplers and only had them because they came as standard on the Thorn Nomad frame at the time I bought it. On tour I’ve never used them and actually find them weighty and annoying. No matter how tight you screw them they are liable to loosen during prolonged periods of rougher riding. I covered mine with pieces of tube as they were also another thing for people to ask questions about and that becomes boring. All in all I would never recommend them unless you intend trying to check your bike in on a plane as normal baggage. I’ve never undone the couplers for plane travel as despite having a long frame I’ve always been able to find a cardboard box big enough. So in answer to your question they have not been beneficial at all and actually a bit of a hindrance. I hope that helps and doesn’t sound too miserable.

  7. Hi Nathan. Thanks for that….made me laugh and you’ve just saved me a lot of money. The frame must have had a lot of hammer – has it all stood up to the challenge? Does the Rohloff have any downsides to it?


    • That frame has been a battler. It’s fallen off a car at 60 mph, been banged, twanged and ridden into the ground and survived with only a few scratches. No surprises as it’s well over engineered. I know Thorn are a Marmite, love em or hate em kind of a brand but I can’t fault my Nomad nor the amazing customer service they’ve always given. And the Rohloff is amazing, a gamble that paid off 100%. There have been so many times I’ve been grateful to have it and never a time I’ve regretted it. I’m having a few problems now with slipping gears but like Thorn, they’v been giving great customer service in helping me sort it out. It’s also really easy to build a wheel around the Rohloff which is helpful for a long tour. Downsides? Absolutely none other than the slight extra weight. Go Rohloff or go home!

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